
Johnson Prepares Vote On Standalone Bill

Speaker Johnson has the Democrats right where he wants them now that the Senate border security bill appears to be struggling.

After the text of the Senate bill was released, Johnson said the bill was awful.

I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, ‘the border never closes,’” Johnson wrote on X.

He also appeared on Fox News to voice his discontent.

Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is preparing a vote on stand-alone bills. One for Israel, the border, and funding that would go to support the efforts in Ukraine.

If the House bill passes the standalone Israeli funding bill, it will be a real problem for the Democrats.

The immigration bill was a compromise, Democrats didn’t have to vote on Israel aid because their base is furious over it. Republicans didn’t have to vote on Ukraine, and Biden could say he did something to “fix” the border.

Johnson, to his credit, along with his team, killed the bill before it could get any momentum.

Crushing the bill also puts the ball back in Biden’s hand because he’s the commander in chief; he could seal the border right now if he wanted to, and now he won’t have a bill he can hide behind.

Democrats are not happy about the bill, and now, on all three issues, they are going to have to go on record.

Also, the White House said that they would veto any stand-alone bill giving funding to Israel, which is going to make Joe look really bad.

The question is can Johnson navigate through Congress to get this done.

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