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Congressional Members Comments On Border Plan Says Report

Recently, a report from Rolling Stone magazine was released detailing Trump’s possible future plans.

The piece was meant to be critical of the former President; however, it appears to be having the opposite effect.

According to the Rolling Stones (keep that in mind), Trump is planning on using special operations units to deal with the Mexican cartels infiltrating the United States.

From the Rolling Stone:

In some of these discussions, Trump has insisted that the U.S. military has “tougher killers than they do” and pondered why these assassination missions haven’t been done before, arguing that eliminating the heads of cartels would go a long way toward hobbling their operations and striking fear into the hearts of “the kingpins.”

The article tried to paint that conservatives are getting more extreme by saying the thought of using the US military would never have been considered years ago.

However, we didn’t have the same issues at the border until now either.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was asked about this in August 2023 and said that if he was elected president he would use the military “on day one.”

“Here’s the thing, the cartels are killing tens of thousands of our fellow citizens,” DeSantis said. “Want to talk about a country in decline? You have the cartels controlling a lot of part of your Southern border? We have to reestablish the rule of law, and we have to defend our people. The president of the United States has got to use all available powers as commander in chief to protect our country and to protect the people.”

There is a lot of support; both congressmen Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Michael Waltz (R-Fl) proposed a bill that would authorize the use of military force against cartels trafficking fentanyl into the US from Mexico.

Mexico President Lopex Obrado said that any type of bill would be “irresponsible” and “an offense to the people of Mexico.” Senator Lindsey Graham said that the preferred method would be to have the US State Department label the cartel groups as terrorist organizations.

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