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Reporters Ask Biden About Trump Comment

When Biden took office, he was supposed to be able to accomplish what Trump did and better.

Remember, the adults were in charge now, and whatever Trump could do, they could do better.

As Trump left office, the economy was doing decent under the circumstances, the Mid-East was peaceful, and inflation was normal.

Fast forward a few years under the Biden administration and the exact opposite has happened.

Inflation is still high, grocery prices are high, the Middle East is a flaming hot mess, we are in the middle of a border crisis, there are real mass layoffs taking place (not ones related to 2020), and the economy is a mess.

Knowing all this, former President Trump challenged President Joe Biden to a debate, mocking him over declining the traditional Super Bowl Interview.

While Biden was at the Chinatown Mall in Las Vegas reporters ask the President about the former President’s comments.

At first, Biden didn’t answer; he just laughed, probably trying to figure out what to say. Then he said, “If I were him, I’d want to debate me too. He’s got nothing else to do.”

Nothing else to do? Joe spends 40% of his time on vacation.

The line that stuck was, “I’d want to debate me too,” as if Joe knew he’s in a pickle.

What we do know is that Joe is becoming more emotional and who knows when the two will debate.


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