
Group Announces ‘Historic’ Event

Climate Defiance, a collective of climate change activists, is sending a strong message to its supporters and members. They plan to stage a prominent protest this summer.

Their target? The Congressional Baseball Game is a well-known annual event that unites Democrats and Republicans in a friendly display of America’s beloved sport – baseball. This group aims to perform what they describe as a “historic blockade.”

Bear in mind that the playing field isn’t their only concern; their main goal is to draw attention to the urgency of climate change.

“We – society, humanity – are careening into an abyss. The decisions we make now will reverberate not for centuries, but for millennia. If we do not act now, boldly and swiftly, millions will die from storms and from starvation,” Climate Defiance said in an email to supporters.

“So long as Congress torches our planet, we won’t give them a moment of rest. It is unconscionable that they play games while destroying our prospect for a decent future,” Climate Defiance founder Michael Greenberg told Fox News in a statement. “Our entire world faces imminent catastrophe. Congress has the power to save millions – even billions – of lives. The fact that they haven’t already ended fossil fuel subsidies is shameful. We’re shutting down the Congressional Baseball Game to send a message: we will do whatever it takes to force those in power to end fossil fuels.”

The group has been protesting congressional members’ public events.

Like Senator Joe Manchin…

An event featuring Senator Lisa Murkowski was also inturppted by the group.

On the groups website they are calling for a “consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption to stop business as usual and compel politicians to act.”

“When we engage in direct action — whether through a strike, a blockade, or a mass occupation — we break through,” it continues. “Direct action puts the state in a double-bind: allow the action (and the disruption) to continue or crack down, further driving up public support for the cause.”

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