
Border Incident Prompts Court Filing

We are going to dive into a recent, highly controversial incident at the U.S.-Mexico border – an event that’s sparked a major political showdown and raised critical questions about immigration policy and border control. This story is evolving rapidly, with new details emerging that challenge our understanding of what really happened. So, let’s get right into it.

It all began with a report by CBS News, citing federal officials and Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar. They claimed that soldiers from the Texas National Guard, deployed by Governor Greg Abbott, had prevented Border Patrol agents from attempting to rescue migrants who were drowning while trying to cross into the United States. “Texas Military Department soldiers stated they would not grant access to the migrants — even in an emergency,” Cuellar noted in a statement, a claim that immediately raised alarm bells.

The White House didn’t hold back in their response. They squarely blamed Governor Abbott, highlighting a tragic incident near Eagle Pass where a woman and two children drowned. “Governor Abbott’s political stunts are cruel, inhumane, and dangerous,” a spokesperson said, emphasizing that Border Patrol must have unimpeded access to the border.

“On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance,” the White House spokesperson said. “While we continue to gather facts about the circumstances of these tragic deaths, one thing is clear: Governor Abbott’s political stunts are cruel, inhumane, and dangerous. U.S. Border Patrol must have access to the border to enforce our laws.”

But this narrative faced pushback from the Texas Military Department (TMD). They clarified that their involvement was limited to contacting Border Patrol to collect migrants who had successfully crossed the river. The TMD also noted they provided medical treatment for hypothermia to one migrant, while Mexican officials recovered the bodies of those who drowned. Importantly, the TMD denied ever observing anyone in distress or refusing Border Patrol access for rescue efforts.

This story took another turn when the DOJ requested the Supreme Court to intervene. The DOJ’s filing revealed that Mexican officials had informed the Border Patrol about migrants who crossed the river around 9pm. Officials in Mexico had also informed US Border Patrol about an hour before three people had drowned attempting the crossing. The filing busted the White House’s narrative.

But don’t let fact stop Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff who has been pushing the false narrative and will not correct the record.

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