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Conservatives Attack The Babylon Bee Over Joke

Some conservatives need to stop acting like the far left who created a cancel culture and learn how to take a joke.

For those who don’t know, the Babylon Bee is a satirical comedy website that has irked the Left for years. As a matter of fact, it was the censorship of the Babylon Bee by Twitter that prompted Elon Musk to buy the social media company.

In 2022, the Babylon Bee was suspended by Twitter for the below satirical story mocking a USA Today story about a Biden official.

The group was told their account suspension would not be listed until they deleted the post, and CEO Seth Dillon refused.

Less than a month later, Musk initiated purchasing Twitter. Many didn’t realize that Elon was a fan of the comedy website and was a good acquaintance with Dillon. When he confirmed the website was censored, he took action, taking full control of the company on October 27, 2022.

Well, now conservatives who can’t take a joke are furious with the Bee over a funny headline about Vivek Ramaswamy who recently dropped out of the raise.

The headline “Trump Promises Vivek An Administration Position Running The White House 7-Eleven” got stuck, and conservatives were upset. 

There’s a lot of layers to the joke because Trump’s top advisor had already ruled out Ramaswamy as a VP pick but wouldn’t rule out Haley.

The joke really captured that Vivek needs a up front position in the movement.

They are also poking fun at Biden’s 2006 7-Eleven comments.

There were a lot of layers to the joke and even Vivek thought it was funny.

There were several posts like the one below:

Well, the website’s CEO, Seth Dillon, has weighed in.

People need to chill it was a joke and it’s funny.

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