
Governor Gives Comments To Media After Arrest

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey is facing some heat over comments she recently made.

Recently, an alleged rape took place involving a disabled 15-year-old girl and an alleged immigrant staying at a shelter.

Corey Alvarez, 26, staying at a “Rockland hotel housing migrants entered the United States through a federal program,” was charged with the crime.

From CBS News:

Gov. Maura Healey confirmed a man charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl with disabilities at a Rockland hotel housing migrants entered the United States through a federal program.

Haitian migrant Corey Alvarez, 26, is charged with the alleged sexual assault at the Comfort Inn on Hingham Street in Rockland and is currently being held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing next week.

During an event in Dorchester Healey defended the vetting process and added that “things will happen” elluding to the rape.

That set off a firestorm.

Here’s the full quote:

“It’s a horrible situation, a horrible allegation and my thoughts are with the victim,” said Healey in her initial comments on the incident. But Healey also sought to downplay the migrant aspect of the story. “We have security and systems in place, we have vetting in place. It is unfortunate that, from time to time, things will happen, and as I say, anywhere, not just in shelters but anywhere.”

Massachusetts has also been pushing for resident to house illegal immigrants in the home.

“Most importantly, if you have an extra room, or suite, in your home, please consider hosting a family,” Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll said. “Safe housing and shelter is our most pressing need. Become a sponsor family. You can contact the Brazilian worker center for more information on how you can step up if you’re willing to have an additional family be part of your family.”

Healy also blamed Congress: “What happened to this young victim, this 15-year-old girl, is exactly why the federal government needs to act, Congress needs to act, people need to do their job and fix this.”

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