
Florida Congressman Comments On Statement Made During House Committee Hearing

As many of you know, the House Ethics Committee had investigated Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell after it was learned he allegedly had contact with a suspect possibly involved in a Chinese spy program.

It was alleged that Swalwell had relations with Christine Fang, who targeted the congressman’s campaign as he moved through the political ranks.

The California congressman cooperated with the investigation and was cleared of wrongdoing, but the cat is out of the bag, and Swalwell often becomes the butt of jokes.

During a congressional hearing, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) took a little shot at Swalwell, who he claimed was lecturing the committee.

“I find it incredibly rich Mr. Swalwell was going to come to this committee and lecture us about how China penetrates our government. I think that’s something he may know a thing or two about,” Waltz said. 

Swalwell has also come under the microscope over allegations on the use of campaign donations.

“When he’s not shagging Chinese spies, he gets to travel all over the world at his donors’ expense,” joked Tucker Carlson while covering Swalwell’s latest financial reports. “If he wants to he can hang out on the beach in a Hawaiian shirt with an umbrella drink, gold chains, and a chest wig.”

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