
Father Of Murder Victim Speaks To Lawmakers In Georgia

Laken Riley, a 22-year-old Augusta University nursing student whose life was tragically cut short while jogging on the University of Georgia campus father, spoke before Georgia lawmakers.

Laken disappeared on February 22nd after she didn’t return from her morning run, leading to the discovery of her body in a wooded area on the university’s campus. The arrest of Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan national who was living in the United States illegally, was charged in the murder of what authorities described a “crime of opportunity.”

In the wake of this tragedy, Laken’s father, Jason Riley, delivered a powerful message before the Georgia state Senate. He described the loss of his daughter as a part of his purpose being taken away. His words painted a vivid picture of a father’s love and the deep void left by Laken’s untimely death. He challenged the lawmakers to address the crisis at the southern border.

“Governor Kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and deport criminal illegals so we can prevent future families from those tragedies,” Jason Riley continued. “Hundreds of women and children each month… are being smuggled, coerced, and trafficked in our state. They are victims, just like Laken. I thank you for honoring Laken in this way, and I humbly ask you to do more to protect us. She and my family mean the world to me.”

Riley continued: “I’d like to also recognize Senator Colton Moore and Michael Gargiulo, who are great men fighting for freedom and security in our state. They were there for our family throughout this process. I thank them and each of you for this opportunity to hear from our family and to hear our cry for help so we can protect others as Laken would have wanted. God be with our state and each of you. Thank you.”

In the days following Riley’s address a video crazy video was captured at the southern border.

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