
Harris Campaign Comments On Biden Vehicle Mandate

Hello everyone, here we go again with the Harris campaign, serving up another classic flip-flop that’s sure to leave you scratching your head.

In a new twist, Kamala Harris is now distancing herself from the electric vehicle (EV) mandate that was once a cornerstone of the Biden-Harris administration’s green agenda. Yes, you heard that right—the same EV mandate that her team championed is now too politically risky to touch.

Let’s rewind for a moment. This mandate was part of the administration’s big push to flood the market with electric vehicles, forcing auto companies to churn out EVs without any real assurance that they’d sell. The plan was a trainwreck from the start, straining the automotive industry and threatening jobs. It was so poorly conceived that even Biden had to walk it back, and it eventually got kneecapped by the CARS Act. Not exactly a shining moment in green energy policy.

So now, Harris is doing her best to pretend this never happened. According to Amber Duke of the Spectator, her campaign is suddenly claiming she doesn’t support the EV mandate. But here’s the kicker: Harris has a long history of pushing for exactly this kind of green energy agenda. Remember the Zero-Emissions Vehicles Act of 2019? Yeah, Harris was a co-sponsor when she was still a senator in California. She’s been all about getting EVs on the road, especially school buses.

And speaking of school buses, let’s not forget the billion-dollar boondoggle that was her Clean School Bus program. Back in July, the Washington Free Beacon reported on how this initiative turned into yet another green energy clown show. Harris and the EPA funneled nearly $1 billion into 389 school districts to roll out thousands of electric buses. But here’s the problem: only 27 of those districts have actually proven they got their buses. Even worse, more districts have pulled out of the program than completed it. This is what happens when you try to force a square peg into a round hole.

Now, as much as Harris might want to run away from this failed policy during an election season, don’t think for a second that she’s given up on it. Sure, she’s putting it on the back burner for now because “I’m an environmental extremist who might cost Americans their jobs” isn’t exactly a winning campaign slogan. But if she wins in November, you can bet she’ll be right back at it, pushing her vision of an all-EV America, regardless of what it might do to the economy or the people who rely on traditional jobs.

So, while Harris might be playing coy now, don’t be fooled. The minute it’s politically safe, she’ll be back to pushing the same policies she’s spent years championing, with no regard for the economic fallout. The flip-flop is just a temporary pause, not a change of heart.

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