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Mayor Gives Public Safety Update

Recently, Athens Mayor Kelly Girtz (D) held a press briefing to give an update on public safety in the aftermath of the recent murder of Laken Riley.


During the press conference, he was interrupted by an angry resident who claimed the city is catering to illegal immigrants.

“The only appropriate number of murders in this community, the number that we are gonna be working our tails off every day for, is zero,” Girtz said.

Protestors interrupted him as the mayor tried to dismiss the claim that Athens is a sanctuary city.

“You’re a liar,” a man shouted, repeatedly. “You’re the one who is guilty and got blood on your hands for this murder, sir!”

Protestors were holding signs “Blood on your hands” and “Make Athens safe again.” Many said they wanted the mayor to resign.

A local reporter pressed the mayor asking if the area wasn’t a sanctuary city why polic found multiple immigrans staying in Ibarra’s Athens apartment.

“We are deeply sorry for this tragedy,” Girtz replied. “Responsibility for this crime rests solely upon the perpetrator.”

“I caution against conflating immigration and crime. The data demonstrates that the two are not connected,” Girtz said touting the latest party line.

Authorities have alleged and plan on charging Jose Antonio Ibarra with the murder of Laken Riley a student on the University of Georgia campus.

It has been reported that Ibarra was liviing with his brother would handed police a fake green card during the investigation. The brother had previous contact with the Athen-Clarke County police during an alleged shoplifting case.

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