
Update Given In DC Protest

According to several reports and the DC Metropolitan Police Department, United States Airman Aaron Bushnell, 25, set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC.

Immediately after the fire was extinguished, Bushell was transported to the hospital, where he passed away.

Bushnell live-streamed the protest on Twitch, and one of the last things he said was “free Palestine.”

We can’t post the video or link to it because it violates community standards, but it is easily found on Twitter. It was on Twitch however, it was immediately taken down. 

However, the wizards of smart at NPR didn’t report that.

“As of Monday morning, NPR was not able to independently verify the man’s motives. The incident is currently being investigated by the local police, the Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.”



All NPR had to do was watch the video, and they became the joke of the internet.

The Air Force reported that Bushnell was from Whitman, Massachusetts, and served as a cyber defense operations specialist with the 531t intelligence Support Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio.

He had been on active duty since May 2020 and was assigned to the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing.

Air Force Col. Celina Noyes, the 70th ISRW commander, said: “We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Senior Airman Bushnell. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, and we ask that you respect their privacy during this difficult time.”

There seem to be issues inside the Air Force intelligence personnel.

Airman 1st Class Jack D. Teixeira of the 102nd Intelligence Wing, a Massachusetts Air National Guard unit, is allegedly responsible for the embarrassing discord leaks. The Air Force disciplined 15 service members over the fallout, mainly up the chain of command, including two colonels, one of which was removed from command.

Though not from the same unit, both Teixeira and Bushnell were from Mass and in the same general area of expertise.


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