
More Updates In Fulton County Hearing

The hearing in Fulton County regarding the possible disqualification of Fani Willis is taking more turns than a soap opera.

For weeks, many believed that it was Joycelyn Wade, the soon-to-be ex-wife of Nathan Wade, who gave a lawyer representing former President Trump and other defendants in the RICO case. Many wondered how attorney Ashleigh Merchant got the evidence of the alleged relationship between FAni Willis and Nathan Wade because the filing shows actual receipts.

Merchant apparently had help from Terrence Bradley Nathan Wade’s divorce attorney and former law partner.

So that could infer that a special prosecutor’s divorce lawyer was text messaging the attorney representing a defendant his client was prosecuting.

Legal journalist Phil Holloway from Town Hall was shown some of the text messages between Bradly and Merchant and they are devastating.

Independent Journalist Megyn Kelly hosted Phil Holloway on her podcast and went through some of the text messages.

In the clip below, Halloway discussed the testimony that took place during the hearing on Tuesday when Bradly said he could recall his text messages about Willis and Wade having “rendezvous” at a law office.

Phil Holloway got the scoop and posted the text messages on Twitter and if you click on the post below you can see all that he posted.

Kelly and Holloway connected the text message to previous testimony that the couple has been in some type of intimate relationship since 2019.

Megyn Kelly devoted her whole show and you can watch it below:

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