
Emhoff To Attend Letterman Event

Former late-night TV host David Letterman is hosting a huge event, but there has been some changes. Originally, he had intended to host the event for Joe Biden, aiming to support Biden’s reelection campaign. To help co-host the glitzy event was First Lady Jill Biden but not anymore.

Letterman has decided to have the Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, co-host the event instead of Jill.

The event is slated to unfold in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, on the upcoming Tuesday. Emhoff’s presence at this fundraiser is significant, considering it was assumed that the Bidens were still going to raise money for Kamala.

It would appear that the glowing statements being said about Biden are just words on paper, and Biden is being pushed aside.

When Harris’ name was pitched as a substitute for Joe Biden as the Democrat’s 2024 candidate, her campaign reported a big haul.

There’s also an indication that Hollywood donors, who had started to limit their contributions to Joe Biden, are now eager to donate to Kamala Harris. As of the writing of this post Kamala is not the official nominee of the party yet. The Democratic National Convention, where all this is expected to take place, is scheduled from the 19th to the 22nd of August in Chicago.

However, she could pronounced the nominee as early as August 1, after news broke that the DNC passed new rules.

Not only do they now crown their nominee instead of allowing voters to choose them they are changing rules on a dime (sort of) to get what they want.

A CBS News report seemed to elude these rule changes were in the making well before Biden departed the race.

From CBS News:

The DNC’s newly adopted rules, the result of a long process that preceded President Biden’s departure from the race, also establish a window for any Democrat to qualify and appear on the roll call ballot.

What seems to be clear is that everybody – including – David Letterman is kicking Biden to the curb.


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