
Boebert Announces Big Decision

For some reason, I don’t know why people love to pick on Rep. Laura Boebert from Colorado.

One of the reasons for this may be because she’s just a regular American.

She has baggage. She never went to an elite school, never lived in a big city, and was a small business owner.

But Boebert is very outspoken and rose to fame after she publically took on Beto during an event and killed his momentum. He never recovered after that interaction with Boebert who at the time was running a restaurant.

Since taking office, Democrats in Colorado changed the Congressional districts, moving the Boebert district from solid red to purple. Her seat became up for grabs but she narrowly won the reelection. Democrats were pouring money into the district to defeat Beobert but she beat Democrat Adam Frisch by 546 votes.

In the last three months, more money is being dumped into the district from the left and Frisch has raised more than three times as much money as Boebert.

Democrats want the seat back so they can retake the House.

She’s decided to represent the 4th district in Colorado instead of the third as RINOs are also lining up to primary her.

“I am going to do everything in my power to represent the 3rd District well for the remainder of this term as I work to earn the trust of grassroots conservative voters in the 4th District to represent them in 2025,” Boebert, 37, said in a Facebook post announcing her decision.

“It’s the right move for me personally, and it’s the right decision for those who support our conservative movement,” the Republican lawmaker added.

“I did not arrive at this decision easily,” she said in a video message posted on Facebook. “A lot of prayer, a lot of tough conversations and a lot of perspective convinced me that this is the best way I can continue to fight for Colorado, for the conservative movement and for my children’s future.”

Unlike what we saw take place over the Speaker of the House mess, this is a good decision, and Beobert let her ego go. Instead of being bullheaded, she’s securing a seat. Now it’s up to the GOP to secure her old seat.

Boebert has gotten a lot of heat for her decision but it’s better than what’s going on in Arizona between Kari Lake and Blake Masters.

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