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Biden Gives Federal Workers Pay Raise

The economy is in the dumps; Americans don’t like Bidenomics, and look who is getting a massive pay raise.

President Joe Biden is giving federal bearuicrasts a major pay hike – the biggest one in four decades!

Recently, Biden signed an order that’s set to increase the salaries of nearly 2.2 million federal bureaucrats by an average of 5.2 percent. This change is expected to kick in around mid-January for most of these employees. To give you some context, this is the largest increase since 1980, back when Jimmy Carter was president. At that time, federal salaries rose by 9.1 percent.

Now, this decision hasn’t been without controversy. Normally, Republicans would battle Biden over the hike but were unable to because they were too busy fighting over who would be the Speaker of the House.

This raise isn’t just a number on a paycheck; it represents the Biden administration’s continued partnership with unions representing federal workers because, after all, 2024 is on the horizon. There’s been a lot of support for policies like continued telework, which really took off during the pandemic, and increased hiring at various agencies. Biden wants to keep that large voting block happy.

Oh and there is more Biden is moving to make it impossible for a head of state to fire federal workers. Remember Trump’s order that could’ve allowed him to fire thousands of federal workers and replace them with his loyalists? Biden’s been taking steps to prevent that.

So, while federal workers are looking at a 5.2 percent hike, private employers are planning an average salary increase of about 4 percent for 2024. This difference in increases is pretty significant, especially considering the economic context we’re in.

That’s Bidenomic for you.

As Americans struggle with the higher costs of groceries and everything else government is going to see a 5.2 percent pay hike. According to government data regular Americans are spending an additional $11,434 annually to maintain their standard of living.

The U.S. military is also set to receive a similar increase as part of the $866 billion National Defense Authorization Act that Congress signed right before their Christmas break.


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