
CNN Host Gets Into Fiery Exchange With GOP Congresswoman

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar and Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas got into a heated exchange and frustrated the liberal host so much she cut the interview.

The discussion was all about the border, and Van Duyne passionately explained to Keilar that all President Biden needed to do was enforce the existing border laws.

“Enforcing our laws work. What we have seen is the exact opposite under this administration. And you have seen people dying,” Van Duyne said.

Keilar pushed back, claiming that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than natural-born Americans in Texas.

Folks, that’s a reflexive argument. Keilar is arguing her point while negating the merit of the discussion. The point of the discussion is not about immigrants causing crime once inside the USA; it’s that they are not here legally. Notice that when the congresswoman from Texas got the upper hand she switched to crime.

“First off, illegal immigrants’ criminal conviction rate is 45% below that of native-born Americans in your state, just to be clear. When you raise the specter of ‘they create so many crimes,’ they‘re convicted’ — I mean, when it comes to violent crimes, property crimes, homicides, sex crimes — you‘ve talked in the past about rapes. The numbers just don‘t support that,” she said.

And Van Duyne called her out over it as well.

“So your argument is…” Van Duyne tried to interject, but Keilar cut her off again.

“Let’s focus on catch and release,” Keilar said. “Can we focus on catch and release, because I do think—”

“You brought up the question. I just want to make sure we’re responding. It sounds like you’re defending — it sounds like you are defending those immigrants who are here illegally that were beating our police officers,” the Texas lawmaker said.

“No, excuse me. Did I — I did not say that,” Keilar said. “Ma’am, I absolutely do not think that is OK and anyone watching that video, I think, should look at that and absolutely say that’s not OK. So, I think you’re really misunderstanding where I’m coming from.”

Keilar decided to change topics again and discussed the Senate bill that Republcian leaders dumped. The CNN host argued that if the Senate bill had gone through it would have lowered the number of illegals released into the country.

Then Van Duyne hit her with facts.

“No, it actually wouldn’t have,” Van Duyne immediately interrupted. “It would have allowed 5,000 people into our country a day, which is five times as much as was coming through during the Trump administration.”

Keilar didn’t like that and threatened to end the interview.

“Ma’am, may I please speak… If you won’t let me speak, I’m going to cut the interview off. And I will let you speak in finished sentences. OK, and please give me that respect as well,” she said.

“Thank you very much,” Van Duyne replied.

Things cooled down after that.

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