
Schiff Comments On Trump During Interview With Psaki

California Rep. Adam Schiff, who was sanctioned in the House for his narrative, threw a tantrum.


I don’t know if actual realization is kicking in or if they are setting a just-in-case narrative out there about Trump.

who knows but Schiff is something else.

While speaking with former White Hosue Press Secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki, Schiff said that he’s worried Russia could help Trump.

“Are you worried that Putin and the Kremlin could be trying to intervene in our election in 2024, and should we all be spending more time talking about that?” Psaki asks Schiff.

“I am very concerned about it. It wouldn’t be the first time Russia intervened in our election. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done it to try to elect Donald Trump,” Schiff said.

“And they have so much more at stake today than they did back in 2016. With the war going on in Ukraine; with NATO enlarging around it, they feel beleaguered. And here comes Donald Trump — a real lifeline. They have more at stake. They have less reason to avoid risk. The United States is supporting Ukraine in the war or it has been until Trump’s influence on the GOP,” Schiff says.

“Yes, we should fully expect them to engage,” he added.

Some of the responses to the segment were pretty funny.

Seriously though, Schiff is broken he can’t stop…


He cannot stop from whining about Trump who hasn’t been in office for over three years.

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