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Oscars Use Fence To Secure Event

In the heart of Hollywood, a fortress of security surrounds the 95th Oscars, scheduled for this Sunday. Amidst the sparkle and anticipation, there lies a heightened sense of vigilance and a big steel fence.

The rigorous security setup isn’t because authorities are worried about protests from the right. It comes in the wake of pro-Palestine demonstrators targeting other red-carpet events, and the elites don’t want to be harassed by their fellow leftists protesting.

The Dolby Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, a beacon of the entertainment industry, is now encircled with chainlink fencing, marking the early stages of a comprehensive security strategy. This plan will see thousands of law enforcement and security personnel converge on the area, all with a singular goal: to safeguard the event against any form of disruption along with a wall.

Organizers for the Ocscars do not want what happened during the Grammy’s to happen on the red carpet. During the music award show things were brought to a standstill by pro-Palestinian supporters.

The Oscars are proving that walls work.

The Grammy protestors, under the banner #ShutItDown4Palestine, took to social media to amplify their message. Their actions underscore the potential impact of such demonstrations, not just on the ground but across the digital world. The Oscars, watched by millions around the globe, present a stage far too significant for any interruption. The Academy Awards’ organizers, fully aware of this, have placed the safety and security of attendees at the forefront, unequivocally stating their stance against any behavior that jeopardizes the well-being of its esteemed guests and the broader film community.

The targeting of high-profile events by anti-Israel demonstrators is a growing trend, as seen in recent incidents involving First Lady Jill Biden and disruptions in New York City. These actions have caused immediate concern and prompted a comprehensive response from law enforcement agencies, including the LAPD who are “preparing for the worst.”

As Hollywood prepares to roll out the Oscars carpet, the industry finds itself at a crossroads, but have said they will not censor any of the winners during their speech.

In Washington DC, the Biden administration has once again put a security fence around the Capitol in anticipation of his State Of The Union speech.

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