
Willis Given Subpoena For Divorce Deposition

Recently, things haven’t been going well for Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, who charged former President Trump with charges relating to election interference.

A court filing made by the attorney representing Mike Roman, a Trump co-defendant, revealed that a process server delivered the deposition subpoena to Willis for a divorce case involving her special prosecutor, Nathan Wade.

Roman’s lawyer filing also alleged that Wade – who is paid by Willis – has a personal relationship with Fulton County’s top prosecutor.

From The Hill:

The filing shows that a process server delivered the deposition subpoena to Willis through her executive assistant Monday. The subpoena was first reported by The Wall Street Journal.

Roman’s lawyer filed court papers later in the day revealing the bombshell accusation, claiming that “sources close” to both Willis and Wade indicated the pair are involved in an “ongoing, personal and romantic relationship,” including going on vacations together.

The revelation was made as part of a motion to get Willis disqualified and the case tossed, arguing that the setup amounts to an irreparable conflict of interest, because Wade is incentivized to prosecute the case to continue being paid “lucrative amounts.”

Wade was paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees in 2022 and 2023 as he worked on the investigation, county records show.

There are also allegations that Wade paid for the two to go on lavish vacations since taking the position to work for Willis on the Trump prosecution.

This isn’t the first time that ethics has been a question for Willis.

On July 25, 2022, the Associated Press reported that Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney ruled that Willis was not allowed to investigate state Senator Burt Jones in her Trump probe. The judge said that Willis had a conflict of interest because she had recently hosted a fundraiser for Jones’ Democratic opponent. The judge even scolded her, saying, “What are you thinking?” adding that the moment had “horrible” optics.

The judge said that Willis would not be allowed to bring charges against Jones and that it would be up to the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, “a nonpartisan association of Georgia district attorneys, to appoint another prosecutor to determine whether any charges should be brought against Jones.”

Jones wasn’t charged and is currently the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia.

If the allegations against Willis are true, her entire case could go up in smoke.

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