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Biden Admin Sues Popular Convenience Store Chain

Recently, Biden traveled to Sheetz during a visit to Pennsylvania.

It was eventful to say the least.

So naturally now his Administration has decided to sue them.

Sheetz Inc., the popular convenience store chain with over 700 locations across six states, is facing a lawsuit from federal officials. The lawsuit, filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Baltimore, claims that Sheetz discriminated against Black, Native American, and multiracial job applicants through their hiring practices. The case centers on how Sheetz uses criminal background checks during the hiring process, which allegedly leads to a higher rejection rate for minority applicants compared to white applicants.

The EEOC’s action follows an investigation that started when two job applicants complained about employment discrimination. Their findings indicated that Black applicants were denied jobs at a rate of 14.5% after failing the company’s criminal background screening. Similarly, multiracial candidates were rejected 13.5% of the time, and Native American applicants faced a 13% rejection rate. In contrast, the rate for white applicants was less than 8%.

Sheetz, which is based in Altoona, Pennsylvania, has denied the allegations. Nick Ruffner, a spokesperson for the company, emphasized Sheetz’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, stating, “We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind.” He noted that the company has been attempting to resolve the issue with the EEOC for nearly eight years.

The lawsuit does not accuse Sheetz of intentional racial discrimination but challenges the impact of its employment practices under federal civil rights laws. According to Debra M. Lawrence, an EEOC attorney, “Federal law mandates that employment practices causing a disparate impact because of race or other protected classifications must be shown by the employer to be necessary for the safe and efficient performance of the particular jobs at issue.”


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