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Congressional Members Comment On Johnson Decision

In the heart of Texas, a political battle is heating up along the Mexico border. The spotlight is on the House Republican runoff between incumbent Tony Gonzales and challenger Brandon Herrera. This race has RINOs and the establishment sweating bullets.

Tony Gonzales, the current representative, likes to think of himself as a practical conservative. He claims he likes to get things done however, loves to mock grass roots conservatives. On the other hand, his opponent, Brandon Herrera, 28, isn’t your typical politician. He’s a pro-gun YouTube star known as “The AK Guy” and has a big following online. His straightforward and bold style has caught the attention of many.

Herrera has been supported by several conservatives in Congress and popular veterans. They see him as a potential ally who will stick firmly to conservative principles without bending.

Gonzales has tried to connect Herrera with the more extreme actions of the GOP by taking lines from his podcasts and YouTube videos and selective editing them. The problem is Brandon is basically a TV star in the gun YouTube world and his fans are calling Gonzales campaign out.

The tension between the two candidates became even more evident when Gonzales made some sharp comments about his colleagues who support Herrera, calling them “scumbags” on a national TV show. This remark led more GOP members to throw their support behind Herrera.

For example, after Gonzales campaign ran a highly edited ad claiming Herrera was mocking veterans the YouTube veteran community got together slammed the RINOs misinformation.

At a recent rally in San Antonio, Matt Gaetz, a supporter of Herrera, criticized the Republicans for not using their majority effectively and suggested that Herrera’s bold approach could shake things up in Washington. Meanwhile, Gonzales has been backed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and even had a fundraiser hosted by Speaker Johnson.

The establishment is worried because Gonzales is seen as more moderate and willing to compromise, which he believes is essential for effective governance. Herrera, with his unconventional style and strong opinions, appeals to those who want a more aggressive conservative stance. In other words, they will struggle to control Herrera.

How worried are the RINOs?

Johnson told congressional members not to get invovoled in primaries.

Then, low and behold, he heads down to Texas to fundraise for Gonzales because a 28-year-old nobody is scaring the heck out of them.

The runoff is scheduled for the end of May, there has been very little polling however Gonzales has a huge war chest. It’s tough to beat an incumbent but the fact that a 28 year old came out of nowhere and has the establishment sweating is telling.

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