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Alabama U Holds Protests

Can’t wait to hear the establishment explain this one.

At the University of Alabama, a group of students gathered at the student center with signs calling for action. One of these signs read “Tide Against Genocide,” marking a strong statement from the students. They were there to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and to push the university to sever ties with Lockheed Martin, a major defense contractor. According to the students, Lockheed Martin has been supplying weapons used in the conflict, including fighter jets and Hellfire missiles.

The students distributed flyers during the protest that voiced their concerns. They expressed their refusal to remain silent about what they described as their institution’s role in what they called a “state-sponsored massacre of Palestinians.”

As the peaceful demonstration continued, a group of counter-protesters arrived. Some of them waved American flags and Trump banners. To keep things orderly, university police quickly set up cones and ropes to separate the two groups. Despite the tension, both sides managed to express their views: one group chanted “Free, free Palestine,” while the other sang the national anthem.

However, both groups unified briefly to chant against the current political leadership, shouting “F— Joe Biden.” The protests, which lasted about three hours, remained peaceful, monitored closely by the police.


Well…Biden said that he wanted to be a uniter but I’m pretty sure this isn’t what he had in mind.

Bet the White House wasn’t expecting that.

Biden did comment on the violence shortly before leaving on his trip for Charlotte, North Carolina.

Folks, it’s getting rough out their for the administration…

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