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Meghan McCain Responds To Latest Biden Announcement

This is a pretty big deal.

Meghan McCain, daughter of Senator John McCain, has never been a fan of former President Trump.

McCain had a disdain for Trump when he was running back in 2016, and the two have never gotten along.

As recent as January of 2024, McCain called Trump a “piece of s**t.”

It was reported on Febuary 3 that McCain praised Biden calling former President Trump a “sick f**k.”

“I continue to not understand why Biden’s team keeps him so isolated, because him calling Trump a ‘sick f—’ is my favorite thing he’s done in months and months,” McCain said Friday in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “It’s real, and we need more real from everyone in politics in general.”

Recently, the former Senator’s daughter posted a comment that has shocked many while commented on a recent Biden decision.

As pro-Palestine protests continue at university’s across the country Biden has decided to approve another $6.1 billion in student debt cancellation for borrowers who attended the Art Institutes.

“Trump is going to win,” she wrote.

McCain is as RINO and never Trump as it gets and this is a stunning comment.

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