
Portland College Asks Police To Clear Library

Portland State University found itself at the center of a significant clash involving an anti-Israel protest and the police.

Protestors (and some believe Antifa) took over a college campus library and had been occupying for several days.

Finally, on May 2, 2024, police officers were finally called in to remove those who had taken over the building.

A dramatic video captured an intense moment as an anti-Israel protester charged at a police officer during efforts to clear the campus’s Millar Library, resulting in the protester being knocked to the ground. It’s a fine example of what happens when a punk meets a real man.

The Portland Police Bureau has been actively working to clear the Millar Library following the unlawful occupation that began on Monday. The protesters, some carrying makeshift shields made out of trash cans, were seen leaving the library amidst cheers from a crowd. The situation escalated when one protester charged at a police officer, leading to a physical confrontation and the protester’s arrest. The Portland Police Bureau has made several arrests as part of their efforts to address the situation.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt stated earlier that he expects felony charges to be filed against the protesters involved in the occupation. These charges include burglary and felony criminal mischief, along with other possible misdemeanors. According to reports several priceless books were damaged.

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