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MSNBC Host & GOP Congressman Have Intense Debate

Fireworks went off during a segment on MSNBC.

Host, Symone Sanders, former press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders recently had Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) on her show and boy did she get a dose of reality.

Burchett was defending the House investigations examining Hunter and the President. The exchange got very intense which ended in Burchett calling Sanders a “Democrat operative.”

“I do just want to note that, again, the documents reviewed by NBC News, they show that the president made $200,000 on his brother in 2018. The 40k you talk about, bank records that the oversight committee themselves saw, show that the president made a wire transfer when he was not the president to James Biden, the 40k. Payments were to Hunter Biden were for a 2018 Ford Raptor truck that Joe Biden purchased that Hunter Biden was using. I don’t know. I haven’t heard a high crime or misdemeanor yet,” Sanders said.

“Are you going to let me answer the question, ma’am? I know you’re a Democrat operative, you’ve worked for a Democratic consulting firm…” Burchett responded.

Conveniently, Sanders ran “out of time.”

“We’re out of time, but we’re going to do it,” Sanders fired back. “I did use to advise a number of individuals. I have also advised some corporations and companies. But here I’m just here to be an advocate for the viewer. And I will ask you one last time, what is the evidence that the committee has that Joe Biden, while he was president, committed a high crime, misdemeanor or treason? Because that is the bar for an impeachment inquiry.”

“Well you have to ask yourself, ma’am, why does a vice president or a president get $40,000 through a Chinese communist corporation?” Burchett replied.

Burchett isn’t know for one to backdoen and was part of the group of Cognressman that pushed to remove McCarthy.

You can watch the exchange below, it got heated.

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