
Big Resignation In Arizona GOP

So, just how ridiculous can RINOs be? Well, one may have gotten himself into serious legal trouble after audio was released of an alleged Arizona state GOP attempting to bribe a Republican candidate.

The audio was released by the Daily Mail and confirmed by the Arizona Central that alleges GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit tried to bribe Lake to stay out of the race.

What the heck is wrong with you, he’s going to be lucky if he isn’t charged.

In the audio allegedly, DeWit tells Lake that “very powerful people” want her out of the race and would like her to take another style position.

So the ask I got today from back east was: ‘Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?’” DeWit said, to which Lake responded in disgust.

“Ten million, 20 million, 30 … no, no, no. A billion? No. This is not about money; this is about our country,” Lake said. “I think it’s disturbing that … anybody would even think this is—”

First of all, how silly are you knowing the type of person Lake is that you thought you wouldn’t get caught bribing her?

Laked demanded that DeWit resign while in New Hampshire.

“He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who’s corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party,” Lake said. “I want corruption rooted out of our government. I don’t care what’s on the Democrat side or the Republican side. We are going to root out corruption.”


According to reports, the conversation took place in March of 2023.

Local news affiliates are reporting that DeWit has stepped down as Arizona GOP chair.

The entire situation in Arizona is just bizarre.

Trump endorsed Senate candidate Blake Masters, who did incredibly well going against a very popular incumbent. The race was close (it shouldn’t have been Kelly was sweating), and people feel that if McConnell had put money into him, Masters could have pulled out a victory.  Masters was set up great to take on Senator Kyrsten Lea Sinema who doesn’t have as strong support with Democrats as Kelly does.

Then, all of a sudden, Lake says she’s running for Senate, but then it gets even crazier. Exactly 32 minutes after Masters made it official that he was going to run for Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko seat (who is retiring) Kari Lake’s close friend Abraham Hamadeh hopped into the race as well.

The Trump world has said they are not going to get involved but the two candidates have other problems. Neither of them live in the district nor have ties to the district they want to represent.

As recent as Fall of 2023 there are rumbles that Masters is going to roll the dice and duke it out with Lake in a primary.

Hey, may the best politician win.


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