
Investigation Prompted Over NH Phone Calls

We previously reported about an investigation that took place during the day leading up to the primary.

NBC broke the story that fake robocalls were going out.

the robocall starts with President Biden saying, “What a bunch of malarkey.” The deep fake voice then provides the caller with misinformation, followed by giving the voter strange instructions.

From NBC News:

The message concludes with a phone number belonging to Kathy Sullivan, a former New Hampshire Democratic Party chair who is now running a super PAC supporting the campaign to urge New Hampshire Democrats to write in Biden’s name in the primary.


NBC News obtained a recording of the alleged robocall:

One would imagine that the media types like CNN and MSNBC would be all over something like this.

Except for traditional news outlets the cable news networks haven’t really covered it. What also strange is there’s not even a peep (as of the writing of this post) from the Biden campaign.

A fake robocall goes out and nobody has anything to say?

Even on X, Dem politicians and media members haven’t brought it up at all and it’s all so strange.

The conservative blog website RedState speculated that it was likely a left-wing group, which may be why nobody in the media isn’t talking about it. We all know that if there were even an inkling of a chance Trump was behind it there would be no other story in the news cycle.

New Hampshire authorities are investigating who planned, paid, and executed the call.

“The Attorney General’s Office has received complaints regarding a recorded message encouraging voters not to vote in the January 23, 2024, New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election. The message, which was sent on January 21, 2024, stated ‘your vote makes a difference in November, not this Tuesday.’ Although the voice in the robocall sounds like the voice of President Biden, this message appears to be artificially generated based on initial indications,” the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office wrote in a statement. “The message appears to have been “spoofed” to falsely show that it had been sent by the treasurer of a political committee that has been supporting the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary write-in efforts for President Biden. The message’s content directed recipients who wished to be removed from a calling list to call the number belonging to this person.”

“These messages appear to be an unlawful attempt to disrupt the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election and to suppress New Hampshire voters. New Hampshire voters should disregard the content of this message entirely. Voting in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary Election does not preclude a voter from additionally voting in the November General Election. Recipients of this message are additionally encouraged to send an e-mail to the Department of Justice Election Law Unit identifying (1) the date and time they received the call or message; (2) the origin of the call or message; (3) the content of the call or message; and (4) any other relevant information,” the statement said in conclusion.

Whoever is behind this needs to be punished to the full extent of the law.

UPDATE: One Democrat politician has mentioned the calls.

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