
Protests Take Place During March In Poland

On Monday, thousands of participants, including U.S. university presidents, Holocaust survivors, and many Israelis, gathered for the March of the Living at the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial site. This annual event commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day, honoring the 6 million Jews who were killed by Nazi Germany and celebrating the resilience and survival of the Jewish people.

The march, now in its 36th year, is held in a setting filled with poignant reminders of the past — the grim watchtowers and barracks of Auschwitz. Participants, waving the blue and white flags of Israel, walked through the camp in a powerful display of remembrance and survival.

This year’s march was particularly significant as it included Israeli hostages who had been released from captivity in Gaza, as well as families whose loved ones are still held captive. One notable participant was Judith Tzamir, a Holocaust survivor from Germany who emigrated to Israel in 1964. Despite her long-held reluctance to visit Auschwitz, the recent conflict on October 7 prompted her to attend this year’s event.

Amid recent pro-Palestinian protests on American college campuses, Rabbi Ari Berman, president of Yeshiva University, led a diverse delegation of leaders from Catholic, Evangelical, and historically Black colleges and universities. Rabbi Berman emphasized the importance of recognizing and confronting hatred and antisemitism, particularly in academic settings. He stressed that the lessons of the Holocaust illustrate the dangers of allowing hatred to flourish unchecked.

The presence of university leaders underscored a commitment to addressing and responding to incidents of intimidation, hate, and antisemitism on campuses. This solidarity and leadership are seen as crucial at a time when educational institutions are navigating how to handle protests and maintain an environment of respect and safety.

Guess who else showed up?

Pro-Palestine protestors.

Yup, Pro-Palestinian protestors showed up to Auschwitz when survivors of the deadly Oct. 7 attack were there.

The protestors shouted intimidating chants and floated “Palestinian” flags under bundles of balloons toward the Jewish marchers.

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