
Man Arrest After Heckling During Speech

The route for Biden’s motorcade was blocked by pro-Palestinian protestors demanding the President impose a ceasefire.

Police allowed the demonstration to go on as the motorcade took a different route, and no one was arrested.

However, when a Gold Star father exercised his 1st Amendment right to speak out while the President was speaking, he was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor.

In a statement in the New York Times, the arrest was brushed off. Capitol Police claimed that officers had warned Nikoui to stop and removed him from the chamber when he refused.

Adding: “This is a routine charge on Capitol Hill. People who illegally demonstrate/disrupt Congress typically are released after they pay a $50 fine, so the misdemeanor charge is resolved without going to court.”

What was “illegal?”


So, if you block a public roadway, it’s not a problem. Speak out publically against Joe, and if you are a conservative, you get arrested.

PBS echoed similar comments about Republican lawmakers.

They weren’t upset about booing. They were upset. They just sat there, “not listening.”

“You may have seen this on the screen. House Republicans were not listening to that speech, by and large. Not just out of defiance, they just seemed not to be paying attention. They were almost only here physically, almost bordering on a disrespectful way, and is something I’ve never seen to this degree before,” said PBS reporter Lisa Desjardins.

Anything less than glowing adoration is heresy.

Why are they upset?

Well, Biden has a new campaign strategy. Republicans and former President Trump have not taken the bait, and they are sort of annoyed about it.

The strategy is to ramp up rhetoric to egg on Trump and the GOP to make outlandish comments.

Nobody took the bait, they just sat there and the media is mad.

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