
PA Legislator Intros Gun Control Bill

Here’s a great example showing that you get what you vote for.

The GOP party in Pennsylvania is a mess, and there was plenty of blame to go around over what took place during the midterms. Republican candidate for Governor Doug Mastrioni ran one of the worst campaigns in state history. It was so bad that his friend running the top super PAC shut it down before the election. The GOP establishment threw Sean Parrnell to the wolves, which catalyzed former President Trump to endorse Dr. Oz for Senate. The guy didn’t even live in the state and was shellacked by Fetterman (need I say any more).

Oh, and don’t fall for that Fetterman becoming a moderate nonsense. He’s saying what he needs to so when Biden does appearances with him, they can say, “See, Joe’s a moderate.” 

Not to mention under the previous governor’s administration, the GOP majority approved one of the nation’s highest gas taxes that has crippled residents (ask me how I know).

All of the nonsense has led to Democrats almost taking over the state legislature, which is deadlocked even until a special election in February. Luck for conservative voters, the state Senate is still controlled by Republicans.

But look what just happened.

Pennsylvania House Democrats are advancing an “assault weapons” ban and a ban on the purchase, possession, and sale of non-serialized gun parts.

You see the House may be deadlocked, but Democrats control the Committees because it was a Democratic lawmaker that resigned.

The NRA-ILA noted, “Until a special election is held in February, the House partisan divide is deadlocked at 101-101. They can pass bills in committee where they have stacked the vote, but few of these bad ideas gain traction on the floor. In addition, the partisan bills haven’t generated any interest in the Republican-controlled Senate. There is not a single Republican sponsor on any of these bills.”

But it only takes one Republican to vote with Democrats, and that’s it.

Now Republicans in the state are scrambling, and voters are shocked, but hey, you get what you vote for. Look, I know this might tick people off but those state legislators didn’t get into office by themselves, they were voted in.

For those naysayers, look at what happened to Colorado over the years. It used to be a swing state.

Some people saw this coming and left the state (again…ask me how I know).

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