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Navarro May Face Jail Time

Peter Navarro was a top aid for former President Donald Trump and was instrumental during the pandemic in getting supplies into the country.

In June of 2022, Navarro was indicted for being in contempt of Congress after he refused to testify during a deposition before the House’s January 6 selected committee.

Navarro has since been convicted of being in contempt and now federal prosecutors want to put him in federal prison.

In a sentencing memo prosecutors wrote that Navarro “exacerbated” the “assault” on the rule of law that took place on January 6.

“[T]he Defendant, like the rioters at the Capitol, put politics, not country, first, and stonewalled Congress’s investigation,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi wrote in the memo. “The Defendant chose allegiance to former President Donald Trump over the rule of law even after being apprised that executive privilege would not excuse his default.”

“Respect for the rule of law is essential to the functioning of the United States government and to preserving the freedom and good order this country has enjoyed for more than two centuries,” the memo continues. “This Court should impose a sentence of six months’ imprisonment, reflecting the most severe Guidelines-compliant punishment available, and fine the Defendant $200,000.”

Federal prosecutors want Navarro to spend six months in jail and pay a $200,000 fine for failing to testify.

Amid all of this, House Democrats were complaining that Republicans would hold Hunter Biden in contempt for not showing up for a closed-door hearing. Hunter actually showed up to the hearing where the debate was taking place tohold him in contempt.


However, Hunter has now agreed to testify before Congress for a private deposition.

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