
More Testimony In Second Day Of Hearing

The first day of the hearings regarding allegations surrounding Fani Willis created a big buzz.

It was like it was made for TV; Fani was mad, and well…below, we put together some of the highlights. However, as always, if you think we are picking out the only clips to make her look bad, you can watch the entirety of her testimony here.

At one point, the judge ordered a five-minute break because Fani melted down.

This was so weird.

I’m still laughing at this one and every time I think about it I start laughing.

After that sort of day it was no wonder that the district attorney decided that she probably shouldn’t take the stand for another round of testimony. But her father did, and he didn’t disappoint either.

When Willis’ father, John Clifford Floyd III, was asked about where he was living in 2019, he started talking about 2020, and apparently, he’s an oracle.

Just watch…hilarious.

Below is a longer clip and he doesn’t seem to remember where he lived.

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