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Kecle Will Return Mask Taken From Child

In the whirlwind of celebrations following the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory, a high blood alcohol level seems to have created a little controversy.

At the center of this story is a Dallas middle schooler, Elijah Smith, and a “lucky” luchador wrestling mask that unexpectedly became a part of the Chiefs’ post-Super Bowl festivities.

Elijah, an avid Chiefs fan, attended the celebrations after the game. The boy just so happened to run into Jason Kelce, the Eagles center, and shared a picture with him while offering his prized luchador mask. This mask wasn’t just any piece of memorabilia; it was adorned with an autograph from Chiefs player Trent McDuffie, obtained at last year’s Super Bowl afterparty. For Elijah and his family, this mask had become a symbol of luck and an integral part of their Super Bowl tradition, having been present for the Chiefs’ last four Super Bowl appearances.

Chiefs fan Elijah Smith gave Jason Kelce his luchador mask for a photo (NBCDFW / Elijah Smith)

The story took an unexpected turn when Kelce seemed to abscond with the mask. The former Eagles star later claimed he found it on the dance floor in Las Vegas and donned it, unknowingly adding to its legacy. He shared on the “New Heights” podcast how the mask transformed his night, becoming a talisman that elevated the celebrations.

The Smiths aren’t angry, but they do want the mask back.

“The only thing is Jason, if you’re listening, we just need the mask back before the season starts,” the boy’s father told a local NBC news channel.

“It’s a lucky mask, and so the Chiefs need the luck. I’m sorry we’re not Eagles fans.”

Jason Kecle has said that he will return the mask.

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