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Biden Gives Speech In Ohio

Recently, President Joe Biden made the trip to East Palestine, Ohio.

About 378 days after one of the largest industrial disasters of recent memory, Biden finally showed up.

The town has been worried about environmental concerns after a train spilled harmful toxins onto the ground and into the air.

It really was a tragedy, and when Joe finally showed up, residents voiced their frustrations.


Biden met with community leaders and spoke for seven minutes slurring his words while reading directly off his notes.

Then the President started to randomly yell.

After waiting about a year to visit the town that experience a very scary tradgedy Biden said, “we leave no one behind.”

At one point during the event Biden appeared to be confused, just watch him in the background.

At some point during the event Biden appeared to have something wrong with his jacket or some sort of wardrobe malfunction. The President starts going through all of his pockets in his coat and does so for about 30 seconds.

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