
Actress Admits Struggle Over Getting Work

Actress Eiza Gonzalez is considered to be making drastic changes because she’s having trouble getting work in Hollywood.

“I remember being [told for] so many projects, ‘She’s too pretty for the role. She’s too hot for the role,’” the 34-year-old told InStyle. “Then I’d just be like, ‘What is Margot Robbie? She’s the hottest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life!’”

“I had an identity crisis for a very long time,” she revealed. “I was like, ‘Do I shave my head? Do I make myself less attractive? Do I make myself more attractive? Do I not dress super-hot or do I dress super-hot or do I cover myself all the time?’”


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Gonzalez isn’t wrong; right now, censors in the video game industry are purposely making females less attractive.

The actress said this “has been single-handedly the biggest challenge of my career. None of my white friends who were in the industry were getting that. It was just me.”


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Funny enough, in Mexico, Gonzalez gets attacked for not being “pretty enough.”

She said that all of the issues caused her to struggle with her looks.

“I went through a lot of trouble with my body, with my curves, with my look,” the “3 Body Problem” star said. “It was really tough.”

Gonzalez has said that she is doing much better now despite the trouble she faces.

“I’m living all the feelings I want to live,” she explained of her career. “I’m ridden with fear, but I welcome the fear. It’s the only time in my life that the fear feels friendly.”

“Every time that something tragic happens to me, I never complain about it,” she told the outlet. “Because every single time that something really tragic has happened, something amazing has happened right afterwards.”

Recently is has been discovered that a censorship company called Sweet Baby Inc. has been responsible for moderating what women look like in video games which led to further discoveries of censorship.


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