
Doocy KJP Have Back & Forth During Briefing

The press briefing at the White House got pretty contentious. The press was chopping at the bit to discuss the Loyd Austin incident, Hunter showing up at a Congressional hearing, and that a New York City High School was going to remote learning because migrants were being housed there.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy didn’t hold back either, and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre angrily exploded.

Doocy asked, “First, a whole high school in New York is having remote classes today because the building was needed to house people who came into this country illegally.  So, what is the President’s priority in this case?  Is it the migrants, or is it the students?”

KJP dodged the question claiming that the city told them that the migrants would be there temporarily and that if he had further questions to contact the city of New York.

Doocy pressed.

“But if a working parent had to call out to stay home with their kid today, isn’t this Biden immigration policy literally taking money out of people’s pockets?”

“So, let me just — let me just say — I’m going to actually go back to your first question for a second, because I think I do need to address that, which is, you know, when it comes to education, migrants, the economy, the President deals with multiple issues all at once.  That is his job.  There are multiple things happening all at once,” KJP said.

Then she went back to sidestepping the question and telling Doocy to refer to NYC leadership. There was some cross top as KJP blamed Republicans and said that the immigration “system has been broken for decades.”

That was when Doocy squeezed in “And Hunter Biden on Capitol Hill today.  How big of a headache is that for you?”

Other reporters in the room audibly laughed.

Below are two videos showing what took place when KJP was incensed after after Doocy insinuated that Biden helps Hunter “skirt Congressional subpoenas.

“That is not even true. That — that is a jump that is — that is incredibly disingenuous in that question,” KJP said furious and then there was cross talk between the two. Just watch below.


We cued the interaction up so you can watch it in its entirety in context.

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