
Reaction Pours In After Court Decision

In a landmark decision that has sent ripples through the political landscape, the Supreme Court has definitively ruled that states do not have the authority to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on ballots for federal office, particularly in light of his actions leading up to the events of January 6. This ruling, delivered in an unsigned format and notably without any dissenting opinions, marks a significant moment in the ongoing dialogue surrounding the 2024 election and the interpretation of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

At the heart of this case was the interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, a provision designed to prevent those who have engaged in insurrection against the United States from holding office. The Colorado Supreme Court had previously ruled that this clause rendered Trump ineligible to serve as president again, a decision that has now been overturned by the highest court in the land.

The Supreme Court’s argument hinges on the delineation of powers as outlined in the Constitution, emphasizing that it is Congress, not individual states, that bears the responsibility for enforcing this specific provision against candidates for federal office. This clarification has broad implications, effectively ensuring that Trump remains a viable candidate in all states, irrespective of individual state rulings that might have sought to bar him from the ballot.

The timing of the Supreme Court’s decision, coming just a day before the Colorado primary, underscores the immediacy and impact of this ruling. It not only affects the specific context of Trump’s candidacy but also sets a precedent that will influence how similar cases are approached in the future.

Colorado’s Secretary of State lost it:

“My larger reaction is disappointment. I do believe that states should be able under our Constitution to bar oath-braking insurrectionists, and ultimately this decision leaves open the door for Congress to act to pass authorizing legislation,” said Griswold.

Schiff didn’t take the news well and now’s he’s worried the DC J6 case is next:

CNN had trouble keeping it together.

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