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Protests Continue At UCLA

According to reports, Eli Tsives is a Jewish student at UCLA and was wearing a star of David necklace.

When he attempted to enter the campus, Pro-Palestine protestors blocked him by forming a line.

In the video, activists are seen lining up in front of Tsives preventing him from attending class that he pays tuition to attend.

“They didn’t let me get to class using the main entrance! Instead, they forced me to walk around. Shame on these people!” the student wrote.

Since the protests began UCLA has experienced violence.

A skirmish broke out when barriers separating pro-Israel and pro-Palestine demonstrators was torn down.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Members of both factions shoved one another and shouted slogans and insults, and in some cases traded punches. Pushing and shoving persisted for some time among pockets of demonstrators, but campus police armed with batons eventually separated the sparring groups.

Only a few days prior, a Native American woman was attacked by the pro-Palestinian demonstrators while holding a sign that read: “Hamas supporters are not welcome on native land.”

In some parts of the country, protests are gearing down.

Protests in Yale seemingly fell apart, but on the same night, things at Columbia University intensified when protestors began to riot and seized a building.

Following this incident all hell broke loose as both factions clashed for hours until LAPD arrived and restored order.

Below are videos documenting what took place.

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