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Sheehy Responds To Request From Media

A harasing voicemail transcript and email show the Washington Post is preparing a hit piece on a republican candidate for office.

The race for Senate in Montana is heating up.

It’s so hot that Democrat Senator John Tester, who’s running for re-election, is running ads showing how he’s pushed back against Biden and worked with Republicans.

As we previously reported, Tester released a recent video ad that said, “Jon Tester worked with Republicans, fighting to shut down the border…and he fought to stop President Biden from letting migrants stay in America.”

Republican candidate for Senate Tim Sheehy recently post just how insane the race is getting.

Sheehy is a Naval Academy and Army Ranger School graduate, was awarded the Bronze Star with the “V” device for valor, and was the recipient of the Purple Heart as the result of a combat wound and service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Washington Post is demanding proof of his awards and wants more information about his purple heart.

Now one can expect to be given a hard time by the media when jumping into politics especially if you a Republican in a red state that could help them take control on the Senate.

However, harassing the wife of another veteran to try and get dirt on Sheehy is another story.

The Daily Caller, who broke the story withheld the veteran and his wife’s name to avoid possible retribution from the Washington Post.

Below is a transcript of  Wash Po reporter Beth Reinhard leaving a message on the veteran’s wife phone:

“Hi this is Beth Reinhard I’m a reporter with the Washington Post. I’m so sorry to bother you. I guess I’m trying to reach probably your spouse [redacted] and I wasn’t sure if I had the right number and I guess I don’t but if you could pass this message to him I would be super grateful,” the voicemail transcript obtained by the Daily Caller reads. “I’m working on a story about, profile, of Tim Sheehy, who knew your husband at the Naval Academy, and we just wanted to know, hoping to talk to him about his experience.”

“Any recollections of his time with him would be just great to help fill out what we know about his background. This is my phone at the office it’s [redacted] and again my name is Beth Reinhard at the Washington post, working on a story about Tim Sheehy.”

It was reported that Reinhard reached out the veterans wife because he refused to talk to her.

“The Washington Post is no longer a media outlet — it’s now the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. These ‘journalists’ are smearing Tim Sheehy because they know he’ll fight for Montana values and against Biden’s policies,” Republican Arkansas Senator and veteran Tom Cotton said in response the nonsense being pulled by the post.

Sheehy also posted pictures of his awards on social media.

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