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‘Influencer’ Wanted By Law Enforcement Says Report

In a story that has taken social media by storm, Venezuelan TikToker Leonel Moreno has a new follower but he’s not going to like it.

Last month, Moreno made headlines for his bold call to encourage migrants to squat in U.S. homes. Now, it seems his boldness has attracted unwanted attention from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Adding fuel to the fire, it was discovered that Moreno, along with his wife and young daughter, entered the United States illegally and have been receiving government assistance of $350 a week. Moreno also claimed to make $1,000 a day through his TikTok influence, boasting a follower count that once reached over half a million. However, since becoming a top news story his TikTok account has been suspended.

Despite his digital silence on TikTok, Moreno’s Instagram account, with around 17,000 followers, showcased videos of him flaunting money, highlighting the contrast between his online persona and his current predicament.

According to ICE documents cited by the New York Post, Moreno removed his ankle monitor, which was part of an Alternative to Detention program aimed at monitoring migrants when detention centers are at capacity. Moreno was granted border parole in April 2022.

Moreno’s controversial actions didn’t stop there. He made waves by bragging about making a business out of squatting in abandoned houses, leveraging squatters’ rights laws for profit. Despite listing a church charity in Miami as his immigration sponsor, reports suggest he’s been residing in Columbus, Ohio.

Both Democrats and Republicans have cited immigration as a top issue, and Moreno’s actions have put the Biden administration in a difficult position.

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