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President Responds To Omar Letter

Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under criticism lately for a recent speech.

However it was what happened next that was shocking because it came out of the blue.

“I led Members of Congress in sending a letter to @SecBlinken urging action on threats to democracy in El Salvador. The State Dept must review its relationship with El Salvador and defend democratic values. The Salvadoran people deserve free and fair elections without fear of repression.”

What did the President of El Salvador do that was so bad?

He cracked down on the gangs and sent the criminals to jail. A country that used to be plagued with killings is now peaceful. She was immediately fact-checked.

Word got back to the President of El Salvador Nayyib Bukele who said, “We are HONORED to receive your attacks, just days before OUR election. I would be very worried if we had your support. Thank you”

Bukele is incredibly popular in Latin America because he turned a dangerous country into one of the safest.

Oh, and another thing: Do you remember the speech that initially caused the uproar? Yeah, a representative of the autonomous region of Somaliland wasn’t happy.


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