
Biden Speaks During Visit To Philly

Biden’s trip to Pennsylvania has been interesting, to say the least.

First up was Biden’s “cannibal” story.

Ambrose Finnegan — we called him “Uncle Bosie” — he — he was shot down.  He was Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force.  He flew single-engine planes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea.  He had volunteered because someone couldn’t make it.  He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden told reporters. “They never recovered his body.  But the government went back, when I went down there, and they checked and found some parts of the plane and the like.”

The White House’s explanation for the remark didn’t help the situation.

While making the rounds in Pennsylvania Biden gave a speech in Philadephia and he appeared to attempt to quote the Declaration of Independence.

Presented without comment.

Before we go any further, when you look up the transcripts, there is usually a line striking out a word when Biden makes a gaffe, and boy, did it happen again.

“Are you ready to choose unity over division, dignity over demolition, and choose truth over lies? Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? Because that’s America,” Biden said trying to hype things up for an applause.

A Freudian slip?

Biden’s version of democracy seems to be lawfare against political rivals, extreme sentences for pro-life activists, mandates, and lockdowns.

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