
Georgia Official Files Lawsuit In Fulton County Over Stalking Case

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has found herself caught up in a new legal battle that’s catching a lot of attention, and now the Georgia legislator is involved.

Representative Mesha Mainor has filed a lawsuit against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, Commissioner Marvin Arrington, the Fulton County Ethics Board, and even the county itself. The core of the lawsuit? Mainor claims they failed to properly handle a criminal case where she was the victim of repeated stalking by a former friend and political associate.

Mainor, who was elected in 2020 to represent House District 56 in Atlanta—a Democratic stronghold—made headlines last year when she switched parties. She became a Republican, citing discomfort with what she described as “left-wing radicalism” among Democrats.

Now, about the stalking case. Back in January 2019, Mainor hired Corwin Monson as a campaign volunteer. Things went south quickly, and she had to fire him after just a month due to what she describes as “unruly, belligerent behavior.” But that wasn’t the end of it. According to Mainor, Monson started stalking her—showing up uninvited at her events, sitting outside her home, and even proposing to her in front of her children. (Yeah, crazy!)

Monson’s actions led to legal action, and by August 2019, Mainor had a Temporary Protective Order against him. Despite this, Monson was arrested twice for violating this order and was eventually indicted for aggravated stalking.

But here’s where it gets even more complicated. Mainor alleges that Commissioner Arrington, who was Monson’s attorney, used his influence improperly to affect the case’s outcome. She accuses him of bending DA office policies to negotiate plea deals favorable to Monson and claims that DA Willis was unduly influenced by Arrington.

Willis, who’s been in the national spotlight for leading the indictment against former President Donald Trump, took over the Monson case in January 2021. Mainor is unhappy with how Willis handled it, particularly how she was reportedly kept in the dark about a plea deal that was much softer than expected.

Amidst all this, the Fulton County Ethics Board is also involved after Mainor filed a complaint against Arrington. However, the board closed the complaint in March 2021 for reasons not made clear in the public documents.

Monson was released from prison in November 2021 and, disturbingly, began stalking Mainor again, according to the lawsuit.

Representative Mainor is now seeking damages for emotional distress, humiliation, and what she describes as a loss of enjoyment of life due to these ongoing issues.

This lawsuit is just another example of the mess that is Fulton County, Georgia.

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