
Walz Clarifies Debate Comments

Well, well, well—it looks like JD Vance delivered a knockout performance in the CBS Vice Presidential debate, and even the Left’s favorite pollster, Frank Luntz, can’t deny it. According to Luntz’s post-debate focus group, it wasn’t just a win for Vance; it was a blowout. The final score? A whopping 12-2 in favor of the Ohio senator over Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Not exactly a nail-biter.

In Luntz’s words, Vance was “far better at communicating the MAGA agenda than Donald Trump.” Now that’s a headline you didn’t see coming, especially after weeks of the Democrats trying to paint Vance as some kind of oddball who couldn’t connect with voters. Oops. Turns out that strategy was a complete dud. One focus group participant summed it up perfectly: “Vance humanized himself and actually looked like a regular guy.” That’s got to sting for the Walz campaign, which has been working overtime to portray Vance as “weird” and out of touch. Meanwhile, Walz looked like the one fumbling through his notes and struggling to string a coherent thought together.

What’s even more entertaining is the reaction from the Left. Political commentators, who were probably hoping for Walz to have a breakout moment, have now shifted their narrative to downplay the importance of vice-presidential debates altogether. Talk about damage control. David Axelrod, the former Obama advisor, threw out this gem: “VPs don’t make policy. Presidents do. Who talks about the Pence years?!” Right, because if your guy just got demolished on stage, the logical move is to declare that VP debates are irrelevant. Nice pivot, Axelrod.

Luntz’s focus group didn’t hold back either. While Vance was described as “battle-tested” and “very intelligent,” Walz, according to the group, spent the first half hour stumbling around like he’d forgotten why he was even on stage. Sure, they gave him some credit for improving as the debate went on, but that’s like handing out participation trophies—you know he didn’t win.

But the funniest part? Luntz said the focus group would actually flip the tickets and make Vance the presidential nominee over Trump and Walz over Harris. Yikes. When your own VP candidate is seen as more qualified than the guy at the top of your ticket, it’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.

So, while Democrats scramble to downplay Walz’s poor showing, the fact remains: JD Vance crushed this debate, and even the Left knows it. If this performance is any indication of what’s to come, Team Harris-Walz better hope people really do forget about VP debates—because Vance just made sure this one won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

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