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Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein’s Health Fund Collab

In recent developments, JPMorgan Chase, a major business partner of Bill Gates, has reached a $365 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The settlement was approved by a federal judge on November 9, as reported earlier this month. A new book titled “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life” delves into the intricacies of Gates’s partnership with JPMorgan and its connection to Epstein.

The collaborative effort between Gates and JPMorgan resulted in the establishment of the Global Health Investment Fund (GHIF) around 2011. The fund aimed to profit from the development of vaccines and health technologies. James E. “Jes” Staley, a senior JPMorgan executive, played a pivotal role in introducing Epstein to the Gates partnership. Epstein, known for his ties to billionaires like Leslie Wexner and Leon Black, brought significant business to JPMorgan.

The GHIF attracted a host of powerful investors, including The Pfizer Foundation, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and government-funded entities from Sweden, Canada, and Germany. Private support came from “qualified individuals and family offices.” The fund’s mission was to finance late-stage global health technologies for the benefit of low-income countries, with the Gates Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency committing to offset potential losses.

Epstein, facilitated by Staley, became part of the Gates partnership. Subsequently, Epstein proposed various business ideas to Gates, with shared interests in global health, scientific breakthroughs, and genetic projects. Notably, while Gates is concerned about overpopulation and advocates mass vaccination in the third world, Epstein criticized efforts to reduce starvation and provide healthcare to the poor, expressing concerns about overpopulation.

Melinda Gates views saving lives as a means to reduce population, emphasizing that increased child survival leads to declining population sizes. The Gates Foundation allocates billions to population control efforts, including contraceptives, pills, and abortion.

Epstein’s plans for a separate health-focused fund with Gates Foundation funding were halted following his arrest on sex trafficking charges in July 2019. Melinda Gates claimed she divorced Bill in 2021, citing his association with Epstein, a connection Gates denies. The GHIF continued its work, supporting mRNA technologies years before the COVID-19 pandemic, with invested companies actively addressing pandemic-related challenges.


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