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Wash Po Opinion Assess New Proposal

In the wake of Vice President Kamala Harris securing the 2024 Democratic nomination, aside from rallies, she’s stayed away from the media.

Harris has yet to sit down for a major interview since her ascent, but when you look at her recent policy proposals, it’s not hard to see why her team might be keeping her out of the spotlight.

Harris’s latest move, a proposal that critics argue amounts to Soviet-style price controls, has drawn widespread criticism. Even within left-leaning circles, there’s a sense that this approach could be disastrous. Catherine Rampell, a columnist for “The Washington Post,” delivered a scathing critique in an opinion piece that has been making waves. The headline alone—“When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?”—captures the absurdity that Rampell sees in Harris’s plan.

Rampell tore into the proposal. She pointed out that Harris’s proposal is essentially a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls that would stretch across multiple industries, not just food. This is more than a simple regulatory measure; it’s an attempt to override the fundamental laws of supply and demand. As Rampell highlights, such an approach would hand over the reins of pricing to Washington bureaucrats, rather than allowing market forces to do their job.

The potential fallout from this policy is dire. Rampell warns of shortages, black markets, and hoarding—economic distortions that have plagued countries in the past when they’ve tried to control prices by fiat. And it’s not just the narrow scope of price gouging that concerns her. The legislation would undermine the way businesses operate by banning quantity discounts—like those offered to big players like Costco—thereby eliminating competitive pricing advantages that benefit consumers.

Even more troubling, Harris’s proposal would require public companies to disclose sensitive internal data, such as costs, profit margins, and future pricing strategies. Rampell argues that this would do more harm than good, potentially leading to collusion among companies to keep prices high—a situation inadvertently facilitated by the government.

Folks, this is why she doesn’t do interviews. Kamala is a leftist radical so when she starts talking far left ideas start coming out of her mouth.

Just imagine Kamala sitting down with Musk for a two hour conversation and her try to explain why price controls are a good idea.

For example:

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