Hoo boy, where do we begin with this one?
Harvard University recently released a 52-page report about celebrity voices and politics.
You’ll find what they discovered shocking (heavy sarcasm).
The wizards of smart at Harvard found that celebrity voices can have an impact.
“While some polling shows that people claim they aren’t influenced by celebrity voices when it comes to politics, more rigorous evidence indicates that these voices are incredibly powerful,” the report said.
I feel like saying, “No s**t!”
This has been going on forever, why do they think that the Kamala Harris campaign is spending thousands paying online influencers to make positive posts about her.
“They can serve as surrogates for political candidates, helping to ‘rally the base’ or reach new audiences,” the study said. “Additionally, there is evidence that celebrities can help with candidate fundraising, attracting large crowds to political events or volunteer shifts, which drawspress attention.”
Uh, yeah, just a few months ago Biden’s campaign was trying to get Taylor Swift’s endorsement.
The study also claimed that “celebrity engagement is good for democracy and celebrity brand.”
Maybe on the left, they tried to cancel country singer Jason Aldean over a song.
They also tried to compare Taylor Swift’s registration drives to her success.
Folks, you got to wonder if someone needed to do a book report for a PHD for this to be done. Stuff like this has been going on forever.
And, by the way, ask the Dixie Chicks how it worked out when they got political.
It didn’t exactly go well for Kathy Griffin either.
You read through this study and it’s like a workshop release for celebrities to join leftist causes.
What blows the mind is that they “studied” this. Political groups have tried to court celebrities forever…they want their money, and they have it.