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Video Game Remake Gets Warning Label

In the late 90s, the video game Tomb Raider featured a rich, beautiful British heroine named Lara Croft.


The original three games were released by Crystal Games between 1996 and 1998 and were classics.


Recently, Crystal Games, who owned the franchise, announced that they are going to be refreshing the original games so users can enjoy them again. However, there is just one problem…

From Polygon a big gamer site:

Some things haven’t aged as well, however, and the opening moments of Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered remind players that these games were made during a different time. Yes, Lara is a privileged British explorer plundering ancient artifacts and murdering plenty of wildlife along the way. But it’s the racist depictions of characters, particularly in Tomb Raider 3, that are far less fun to revisit.

There’s a Polynesian tribe in Tomb Raider III.

Crystal Games has decided not to alter Lara Crofts looks or change the game however, it is putting a content warning at the beginning of the game:

The games in this collection contain offensive depictions of people and cultures rooted in racial and ethnic prejudices. These stereotypes are deeply harmful, inexcusable, and do not align with our values at Crystal Dynamics.

Rather than removing this content, we have chosen to present it here in its original form, unaltered, in the hopes that we may acknowledge its harmful impact and learn from it.


Screenshot of Tomb Raider 3

Has anyone been harmed by the Tomb Raider series? No.

Matter of fact Angelia Jolie made a lot of money after being cast as the video character and did two blockbuster movies.

We have reached a point in society where a warning label has to go on a video game because the lead character is a “sexy” female who kicks butt.

Look, Crystal Games wants to make money and they know if they touch these games all heck will break loose so they throw out a warning label to appease the woke mob.

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