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Nikki Haley Social Media Post Raises Eyebrows

Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley was looking to get some press and was incredibly excited to share something.

Her social media account posted two messages praising how amazing she is, and Haley said she was “overwhelmed” by the admiration.

“Americans want a choice in this election, not a rerun. I’m overwhelmed by all of the kind words! We’ll keep working hard to make you proud,” she wrote.

Except there was one problem.

One of the messages she received was supposedly an email, except you’ll notice in the picture below that was included in the social media post with the bright blue “send” button.

From Redstate:

But many people noticed a problem with the “email.” Someone appears to have forgotten to hit send, and there’s no address and no subject in the header. It also says “new message” in the left-hand corner. Whoever sent this out didn’t understand what it was showing.

With a staff like that it’s no wonder she’s 30 points behind former President Trump in the South Carolina primary.

“I need to show that I’m building momentum. I need to show that I’m stronger in South Carolina than New Hampshire,” Haley said. “Does that have to be a win? I don’t think that necessarily has to be a win. But it certainly has to be better than what I did in New Hampshire and it certainly has to be close.”

Yeah, that’s not how you build “momentum.”

This is the most RINO thing ever.

I’m sure Liz Cheyney would be proud.

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